I have a strong interest in creativity, design, and innovation. I am particularly interested in the design of tools and methods to support human activities (creative, design, decision-making). Over the year my field has shifted from Human-Computer interaction, where I studied how computer tools could assist human activities to the broader Human-System Integration perspective, where I think of the role of human in complex systems.
Exploration of Physiological Arousal in Divergent and Convergent Thinking using 2D screen and VR Sketching Tools.
2023 11th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2023/09/01
Méthodologie de conception de jumeau numérique pour supporter la conscience de la situation
in CIGI Qualita MOSIM 2023. Propulser la performance, 2023-06
Toward Developing a Data Model for a Digital Product Passport To Enhance Circularity in Fashion
Sustainable innovation 2023, 2023-03
Toward product transparency: communicating traceability information to consumers
Int J Fash Des Technol Educ, 16(2)
A digital product passport to support product transparency and circularity
Global Fashion Conference 2022, 2022-11
Decision Support System for technology selection based on multi-criteria ranking: Application to NZEB refurbishment
Building and Environment, 212
NAASCube program, an innovative aerospace program for students,driven by the Nouvelle Aquitaine Academic Space Center
4th Symposium on Space Educational Activities, 2022-04
Digital twin design requirements in downgraded situations management
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54(1)
Traceability information to communicate to consumer in total transparency
Global Fashion Conference 2021, 2021
Decision Making in Near Zero Energy Building Refurbishment: A Technology Alternatives Ranking Tool
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52(13)
Decision support in precision sheep farming
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51(34)
Definition of a “Sport-Health” Semantic Space
Proc. Des. Soc., 1(1)
Décision dans les systèmes cyber-physiques et humains : application à l'élevage de précision
in CIGI QUALITA 2019 - 13th International Conference CIGI QUALITA, 2019-06
Définition d'un espace sémantique Sport-Santé
in S.Mart, 2019-04
Operations room design for the control of a fleet of robots
INCOSE International Conference on Human Systems Integration, 2019
Outil de classement de technologies pour l'aide à la décision en rénovation de bâtiments
in CIGI QUALITA 2019 - 13th International Conference CIGI QUALITA, 2019-06
Fostering collaborative project emergence through divergence of opinion
international conference on engineering design (ICED 17), 2017-08-25
IdeaBulb: A Smart and Tangible User Interface for Monitoring Ideation During Creative Sessions
SMART INTERFACES 2017, The Symposium for Empowering and Smart Interfaces in Engineering, 2017-06-25
STAR: une méthodologie d'animation pour faciliter l'émergence de projets en interclustering Application au projet européen NEPTUNE sur la croissance bleue
AIP Primeca: Concevoir et produire dans les industries du futur, 2017-04
Encourage exchanges during a creative session by the ideas qualitative evaluation using a digital tool
in Proceedings of the 15th Ergo'IA "Ergonomie Et Informatique Avancée" Conference, July 6, 2016
I++: interactive galleries for promoting interactive curiosities in web designs
in Proceedings of the 2015 British HCI Conference, July 13, 2015
Inspirez ! Explorez ! Soutien à la créativité en conception d'interfaces homme-machine
Université de Grenoble, 2014-09-25
Web design galleries: please give me similar styles!: a claim for ground truth datasets
NordiCHI '14: The 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2014-10-26
Examples Galleries Generated by Interactive Genetic Algorithms
DESIRE'11 - Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Design, October 19, 2011
Graphs of models for exploring design spaces in the engineering of Human Computer Interaction
2nd international workshop on semantic models for adaptive interactive systems, 2011-02-13
Inspirer, explorer: Magellan, un environnement interactif evolutionnaire pour la génération d'exemples
IHM'11: 23th French speaking Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2011-10-24
Magellan, an evolutionary system to foster user interface design creativity
in Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems, June 19, 2010
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