D. 1.1 Methodology of project emergence in interclustering and intersectoral context (1)

hAIku: Clusters intertwine, STAR guides innovation’s path, New projects will shine.


Julien Ambrosino

Jérémy Legardeur

Dimitri Masson

Pauline Théophane


September 1, 2016


The animation of creative sessions permits to identify new opportunities for collaborative innovation projects. To support this process, a dedicated methodology called STAR (Structured and sTructuring Animation methodology for emeRgence) facilitates project emergence in interclustering and cross-sectoral context during innovation clubs. This deliverable gives animation guidelines to cluster facilitators of the NEPTUNE project in order to explain how the STAR methodology shall be used during the NEPTUNE innovation clubs sessions. Each step of the animation process is described following the same format: 1. prerequisites to check that the facilitator has enough information before starting a step, 2. description of the step, which details the aims and how to use the animation tools dedicated to this step, 3. expected outputs from the use of the STAR methodology. For each step, recommendations are specified to limit issues during animation and avoid misunderstandings. The STAR methodology intends to offer the best conditions to bring out innovation projects without claiming to be a systematic methodology to be exhaustively followed. Thus, the steps, advices and notes composing this document are to be taken as recommendations and should be adapted to each situation. To support clusters managers in animating the NEPTUNE innovation clubs sessions, this deliverable will be completed with a face-to-face Training session for clusters managers (D1.3).



Ambrosino, J., Legardeur, J., Masson, D. H., & Théophane, P. (2016). D. 1.1 Methodology of project emergence in interclustering and intersectoral context (1) [Other]. ESTIA. https://hal.science/hal-01440894


BibTeX citation:
  author = {Ambrosino, Julien and Legardeur, Jérémy and Masson, Dimitri
    and Théophane, Pauline},
  title = {D. 1.1 {Methodology} of Project Emergence in Interclustering
    and Intersectoral Context (1)},
  date = {2016-09-01},
  url = {https://dhmmasson.github.io/publications/ambrosino2016_MethodologyProject.html},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Ambrosino, J., Legardeur, J., Masson, D., & Théophane, P. (2016). D. 1.1 Methodology of project emergence in interclustering and intersectoral context (1) . https://dhmmasson.github.io/publications/ambrosino2016_MethodologyProject.html